The second project for the psychological recovery of military medics by the repower charitable fund officially launched

Yesterday, the second Repower project aimed at the psychological and physical recovery of military medics and evacuation volunteers officially launched. It will take until 5th of July 2023. As last time, the country that will host the heroes for rehabilitation will be Sweden. Currently, Repower is the only charity foundation in Ukraine organising such recreational projects for acting military medics

The main goal of the project is to ensure the physical and psychological recovery of military medics and evacuation volunteers who serve and work on the front line. The week-long event, which will take place in a cozy hotel near Stockholm, is designed for 70 participants. During the trip, they will work with psychologists, exchange experiences with Swedish colleagues, meet with representatives of Swedish government institutions, attend cultural events and excursions, listen to lectures, etc.

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Maryna Sadykova, co-founder and director of the Repower Charitable Fund:

" We are immensely happy that our project has started. The most valuable thing for us is to see smiles on the faces of our incredible military medics. It means that the process of psychological rehabilitation and rejuvenation has begun and is progressing successfully. Ahead of us is a week of psychological practices, engaging meetings, excursions, and lively interactions. I cannot express enough how grateful our Foundation is to everyone who has supported our project financially and with information. Without you, it would have been impossible!".

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Other news

What is the psychological support of the Repower program?

Our project has no analogues in the world, so we are the creators of a unique program for the recovery of active military medics in war conditions. We, the founders of Repower, are event organizers and have various higher educations, but not in psychology. Therefore, to form the psychological component of our program for the recovery of military medics, we involved representatives of the "Free Choice" public organization.

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Frontline medics who risk their lives every day are saving others, enduring physical & emotional pain and witnessing suffering and death. However, even true heroes need help and support. The round-the-clock work in medical and psychological fields leads to emotional exhaustion, depression, and the loss of highly valued healthcare professionals. We in the Repower Charitable Organization decided to change this and launch a fundraising campaign to raise UAH 5,600,000 ($152.400) for the third rehabilitation program.

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On November 17th, we organized a charity dinner in Sweden, during which we once again addressed the importance of supporting the mental health and recovery of frontline medics. Over 120 Swedes, Ukrainians, and other nationalities which included business men and women, entrepreneurs, politicians, diplomats, and representatives from other charitable organizations who support the cause in Ukraine gathered at our Ukrainian dinner in the heart of Stockholm.

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Charity Dinner Invitation (Stockhom, Sweden)

Join us for an unforgettable evening of compassion and unity at the charity dinner in Stockholm. On the 17th of November, we are honored to be a part of the "Solidarity Fundraiser for Ukraine," an event that embodies the spirit of solidarity and collective strength, hosted by our valued partners, Nordic Ukraine Forum.

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The second project for the psychological recovery of military medics by the repower charitable fund officially launched

Yesterday, the second Repower project aimed at the psychological and physical recovery of military medics and evacuation volunteers officially launched.

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